Archive for category Offers

Laptop Deals with Della

Hello, I’m Della with Resell Electronics.

I’m in an ongoing process of getting laptops listed on eBay and of course our website for the holidays which is just around the corner.

The prices and conditions vary with each laptop. As I receive laptops on a daily basis, I do my best to handle them with care just as I would my own. We have great deals, with some as low as $29.99!

We also sell laptops in our retail store located in downtown Phoenix Arizona.  Come check out our great deals. These prices are so low, they are sure not to last.

1008 W. Madison Street
Phoenix Arizona 85007

If there is a specific model or type of laptop you are looking for, feel free to shoot me an email.  I will be happy to help you and will list the laptop if we have one available.

If you may have any questions, I can be reached directly at or (602) 252-0104.  Just ask for Della.

Happy Holidays!

– Della

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Hello, I’m Della with Resell Electronics.

I’m in an ongoing process of getting laptops listed on Ebay and of course our website for the holidays which is just around the corner.

The prices and conditions vary with each laptop. As I receive laptops on a daily basis, I do my best to handle them with care just as I would my own. We have great deals, with some as low as $29.99!

We also sell laptops in our retail store located in downtown Phoenix Arizona.  Come check out our great deals. These prices are so low, they are sure not to last.


1008 W. Madison Street

Phoenix Arizona 85007

If there is a specific model or type of laptop you are looking for feel free to shoot me an email, I will be happy to help you and will list the laptop if we have one available.

If you may have any questions, I can be reached directly at or (602) 256-7626 ext. #5130.

Happy Holidays!

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