Archive for December, 2009

Tami’s Handling Things Carefully while she Recycles!

As our seasons change out of the heat of Arizona’s summer, we here at ResellElectronics are very aware of the climate changes that are occurring.  I enjoy trying to do our part to save the planet by reselling used ink cartridges.

But I’ve learned to protect myself while handling the used ink cartridges.  When working with the cartridges, I wear an N-95 qualified face mask and disposable gloves   We use extra padding to protect from leakage, and we try keep the cartridges out of Arizona’s heat.

No more summer heat for a while!


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Amanda’s Karaoke Machine

I work with a wide variety of audio equipment, from receivers to portable CD players. When a used karaoke machine came in, I started using that together with speakers for testing other equipment!  I make sure the item powers on and then connect it to the speakers or karaoke machine. I try as many functions as I can. This way I can be sure that I have done the most accurate job in describing the items for our customers.

Maybe for the holidays I can talk my boss into some time for all of us to try out the karaoke for real!


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